Animals needing homes
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ΝΟΜΟΣ 4039
ΦΕΚ 15-Α-2.2.2012
The Union Φιλόζωοι της Λέρου» / «Leros Animal Lovers» flew together with,
support and went on, in all the necessary activities, giving help to the
agonized efforts of two volunteers for the welfare of animals in Kalymnos. The
target was to release two dogs who have being kept by force and had suffered a
lot. After one month and half, using all the necessary ways of action, such as
lawyers, services, authorities, well known persons and members of our Union, the
volunteers of Kalymnos succeeded to release the dogs. Both of them were adopted
after giving them the first treatment. If all of us work together, we can
succeed the best results of the welfare of animals and the protection of their